On field almost a square
I, a youth, became aware
I’d sooner spend all my days
In hitting balls and making plays
In catching flies and running home
In fields of dreams to ever roam
To hold a bat and hit a ball
Up away and over a wall
To round the bases one fine day
And in the dust there to say
Daddy-O! This one’s for you!
Oh please…now be here with me too!
In all the world it is the game
That treats all humans all the same
Big or fat or thin or small
All can play the game baseball
For it’s a game of one’s own skill
Depending only on one’s own will
It’s the fairest game of all
And being so does all enthrall
To pitch or catch or hit or field
All of life therein concealed
The diamond in America’s crown
For which we will be most renown
A game that’s played with bat and ball
That’s all for one and one for all!
The money talks
The sportsman cry
The Pro now stalks
Amateurs die
So chase this gold
You men of money
The story now told
is sad, not funny.
To win for sport
is noble glory
Money’s retort
Another story
What did we gain
Selling the soul
of trying’s pain
and honor’s goal?
The highest step
We all can make
to be man’s rep
for pureness sake
To win or lose
is not the games
paying loves dues
Perfecting aims
To try to win
Is sports true thought
Now see the sin
That money’s bought.
Yes, sport has paid
an awful price
For monies made
Gives us more vice
Purities dream
was bought and sold
for monies stream–
A true fools gold.
Israel cries! Right to exist!
Palestinians dead have no choices
A right to life should be kissed
as long as we have true voices
to silence life–some call it war
those alive call it –please hear me!
as death will come to both our door
both will leave their legacy.
for those who have ears to hear it
to ignore “thou shalt not kill”
on all life that does so spit
all life itself should be our will
We should know now–Let it be!
to enhance our destiny
A said to be soothsayer
Bluffing a billion megatons less
They shot him down– then claimed mental stress
They’re bluff is real
His was a naught
A megaton deal
Or life’s message taught
For all to choose
We saw in shame
What those who won’t lose
Will do to the game
A real threat is much worse
Than pretending to be
Just as the one leaves no choice
The other’s harmless to me
Yet, if to bluff is to die
I, troubled, cannot help feel
How much worse could it be
If the threat was just real?
The pious came here to live their life’s view
Government is here! Liberties bow!
invaded by bureaucrats and legalized Joe’s
morality– theirs, is what one must need
The foolishness of all is all we must face.
when people face tanks it’s not much of a fight
The way for all is to live and let be
to tell us all that’s not what to desire
Masada for some–is Waco for few.
Just what to say
about McViegh
that’s important.
His sparked flint
did come from hatesome soldier’s fate.
As he was tried
and was denied
He angrily
made misery.
Thus, this marine
was ugly mean.
to love life and enjoy the day
they sparkle when wearing the green
but without clothes it seems obscene
standing there with just a grin
you love them so– oh they can spin
a yarn or two just for your ears
with twinkled eye and tender tears
what they believe you know just is.
Their joy is effervescent fizz
bubbling forth truth’s ancient tome
they all have kissed the blarney stone!
so dance and drink and love all night
God love ’em! (that takes all his might)
others can only hope to be
as fun loving eternally
Why are daffodils
downcast in the spring
have they lost their wills
just what is their thing?
tulips grow so high
crocus pierce the snow
yet they seem to sigh
is it what they know?
the spring glorious
breaks the depression
fails victorious
in its expression
see their bending heads
bowing to the light
as life onward treads
forcing its insight
bending to life’s whim
humble servants bow
with insights so dim
slaves to here and now
the beauty they show
the strength they conceal
in bowing they know
their life they reveal
About Blank Verse
I Will Be Terse
It Is A Curse!
And All Things Worse!
All History
Of Poetry
Is Plain To See
To You And Me
The Muse Is Rhyme
And Metered Time
Lone Paradigm
Of The Sublime
The Murderer
And Pillager
Of This Mother
Use Verse Other
She Will Not Die
Or Glorify
Nor Beautify
This Cruelist Lie
Hubritic Men
May Have This Yen
Her Denizen
All Know This Pen
I’m as blue as blue collar gets
with all it’s work and with it’s fits
spasms living creatively
so is the will to live and see
making these things into that
a conjuror that fills a need
make it work I’ve got down pat
for when I’m done it will suceed
if a creation you wanted
comissioned minion with job done
having your need amply fed
is due the pittance he has won
satisfied you are on your way
as new challenges make my day
Please! everyone at Christmas Time
Now find the time to be sublime
In caring, loving, friendship, too
In finding goodness through and through
Yes with this insight in our heart
We’ll do so in turn and impart
Such good deeds that are done so well
All the joys of which all will tell
That all the living one should know
Is Christmas time and mistletoe
thousands of people free–now dead
Blind eyes, cold hearts have governments
to kill one’s own is true nonsense
In the square at Tiananmen
ran red blood of women and men
A sacrifice of life supreme
to give one’s life for freedom’s dream
desiring only to be free
to stand and sing right here– like me
To cry or laugh or scream or sing
they died murdered by Deng Xiao Peng
yet have these lives now turned the key
unlocked doors for democracy?
those people did not die in vain
in all our hearts their dreams remain
Our hearts in pain. Our tears please see.
as China finds new destiny
So communists be now aware
Liberty calls us to your square
Your shots were heard around the world
your lies and treasons so unfurled
the goddess cries at Mao Tse-Tung
his death knell sounds as freedom’s rung
red blooded Tiananmen Square
forever cries, freedom lives there.
On field almost a square
I, a youth, became aware
I’d sooner spend all my days
In hitting balls and making plays
In catching flies and running home
In fields of dreams to ever roam
To hold a bat and hit a ball
Up away and over a wall
To round the bases one fine day
And in the dust there to say
Daddy-O! This one’s for you!
Oh please…now be here with me too!
In all the world it is the game
That treats all humans all the same
Big or fat or thin or small
All can play the game baseball
For it’s a game of one’s own skill
Depending only on one’s own will
It’s the fairest game of all
And being so does all enthrall
To pitch or catch or hit or field
All of life therein concealed
The diamond in America’s crown
For which we wilal be most renown
A game that’s played with bat and ball
That’s all for one and one for all!
We send a telescope into the sky
As we stand here on earth and wonder why
We build great rings underneath mother earth
Smashing things together with wondrous mirth
Wide eyed we live and love and think and dance
Held a brief captive by life’s living’s trance
The god we seek in earth or self or sky
Is deeply hidden in you and or I
Maybe the bang that blew it all apart
Was not a beginning, just a restart
So on one small insignificant speck
There’d come us with incredible high tech
We could put it all together again
Then know all about God– and God of men.
Morillon, a soldier with a goal
He knows this earth to be a whole
Merchants of death war on his gate
He bet his love could shame their hate
He said only, “I will not go.”
until kindness you have to show
You’ll feed hunger and cure the ill
Yes, on this I’ll stand and stake my life
The world stood still breathless, aghast
Would this general succeed or last?
Behold a chink in hate’s armor
Let’s pray one day to disarm her
and on her grave the words should be–
Generals of peace, guard here, live free!
the way to stop bomb suicides
is to deny them glory’s rides
desperate for immortality
they die for an eternity
believing death the greatest gift
they chose to die and cause a rift
as dna does make it so
it’s dividing does make it grow
sometimes killing the innocent
blinded anger cannot relent
until itself it must consume
to nothingness within a tomb
such lives of such desperation
are prone to exaggeration
they need their hateful delusions
to justify their intrusions
flickering the candle of life
they have the need to cause more strife
they send their heat into the air
nature cares not it foul or fair
it is living material
noisy dusting of the surreal.
Know– life’s moments before the void
are best lived when love is enjoyed
I’m tired of shots
heard on T.V.
They are the spots
that should not be.
I want to hear
in those places
what brings forth cheer
and smiling faces.
For as monkey
see and so do,
The good they see
They’ll do to you.
Goodness blesses
with happiness.
In those places
do that posses
and will be grown
from the T.V.
a goodness sown
for all to see.
That blessings grow
and multiply
do come to know
and to supply.
In one’s being
the soul’s window
Is in seeing
good to bestow.
The boundless good
you give away
haunt you it should
Yes, everyday!
The porcupine he can’t digest
has been brought to Putin’s table
Now “We the People” face a test
on who is strong and more able
Lies and power now on the field
must not be allowed to remain
as freedom’s fight must never yield
our power must focus on Ukraine
Nuclear bombs they gave away
in exchange for sovereignty
such peaceful acts should have their way
and be backed by Humanity!
deny them in their hour of need
denies Life–Truth–Love to succeed
Can Putin kill Ukraine again?
As Stalin did awhile ago
Lives lost and History have a pen
to direct where thought should go
Tyrants– Lies—with vicious power
used to hold the field of battle
“We the people” – Make them cower!
With our Love make them rattle
in their boots marching– off to war
fighting for their oligarchy
it’s not what people now adore
most choose Life and Liberty
the old horrors that we all know
is not where people want to go
Morillon – soldier with a goal
He knows this earth to be a whole
merchants of death war on his gate
He bet his love could shame their hate
He said only “I will not go.”
until kindness you have to show
You’ll feed hunger and cure the ill
Now think on this – you must – you will
You do this and you’ll end this strife
On this I’ll stand and stake my life
The world stood still – breathless aghast
Would this general succeed or last?
Behold! A chink in hate’s armor
Let’s pray one day to disarm her
and on her grave the words should be
Generals of peace. Guard here. Live Free!
The money talks
The sportsman cry
The Pro now stalks
Amateurs die
So chase this gold
You men of money
The story now told
is sad, not funny.
To win for sport
is noble glory
Money’s retort
Another story
What did we gain
Selling the soul
of trying’s pain
and honor’s goal?
The highest step
We all can make
to be man’s rep
for pureness sake
To win or lose
is not the games
paying loves dues
Perfecting aims
To try to win
Is sports true thought
Now see the sin
That money’s bought.
Yes, sport has paid
an awful price
For monies made
Gives us more vice
Purities dream
was bought and sold
for monies stream–
A true fools gold.
Greta screamed at the blah blah blah
The adults said they’d do something
kids shriek eureka! and Ah Ha!
their parents for them will do nothing
their lives are full of happiness
they took it all and had us too
when dying they will want our kiss
such selfishness is oh so true
they have built it all and fucked away
our world and life’s inheritance
the warming world will have it’s say
our deaths will be just happenstance
if you cannot build a future
Mother nature will not you nurture
Petite yet very powerful
more concerned about you and me
she grasped the horns of the big bull
demanding that all should be free
Always preaching to every face
American values are this
enhance freedoms—do not erase
should be the mark of our kiss
As life is short and death so sure
she fought so much for me and you
this women’s love was not demure
in heart and soul she lived life true
As I so hate the legal mind
for her only a love I find.
On field almost a square
I, a youth, became aware
I’d sooner spend all my days
In hitting balls and making plays
In catching flies and running home
In fields of dreams to ever roam
To hold a bat and hit a ball
Up away and over a wall
To round the bases one fine day
And in the dust there to say
Daddy-O! This one’s for you!
Oh please…now be here with me too!
In all the world it is the game
That treats all humans all the same
Big or fat or thin or small
All can play the game baseball
For it’s a game of one’s own skill
Depending only on one’s own will
It’s the fairest game of all
And being so does all enthrall
To pitch or catch or hit or field
All of life therein concealed
The diamond in America’s crown
For which we will be most renown
A game that’s played with bat and ball
That’s all for one and one for all!
“it’s a republic—if you can keep it”
“we the people” in a torment
are now facing an election
the voting will only foment
a way we have resurrection
This torrent demands heavy coat
as sound and fury are all about
somewhat silenced when we cast vote
knowing again, we will soon shout
I won’t give in—I want my way
My vote makes it a democracy
freedom gives me the right to say
This republic is about me!
Don’t ever think I will go away
I will be back—I’m here to stay.
A tantrum we have to endure
as cranky babies go to bed
To sleep it off so secure
true thought is not what’s in their head
They just wanted to have their way
Parents do always deal with this
we let them scream and have their say
then put them to bed with a kiss
We hope in love’s education
as we know they will grow up too
To see the fruits of their creation
I hope their love will will be as true
our life, hope, and love the kernel
will they make our love eternal?
Ode to Norman Mayer
A said to be soothsayer
Bluffing a billion megatons less
They shot him down– then claimed mental stress
They’re bluff is real
His was a naught
A megaton deal
Or life’s message taught
For all to choose
We saw in shame
What those who won’t lose
Will do to the game
A real threat is much worse
Than pretending to be
Just as the one leaves no choice
The other’s harmless to me
Yet, if to bluff is to die
I, worried, cannot help feel
How much worse could it be
If the threat was just real?
The War Lords are about again
Caring not for love or for men
Russia’s workers now on their knees
Do plead for dollars, if you please
We who stood guard for forty years
gave Atheists desperate tears
Now get a need to kick some ass
Forgetting patience and our past
So as we spit in peace’s eye
Can we see where the horrors lie?
Will blood and oil mix us a stain
to forever with us remain?
So now to keep a feudal king
does justice cry or freedom ring?
this righteousness will cause much pain.
Should we not be more sure of gain?
Go draw a line in any sand
It disappears as if so planned
The earth itself abhors the thought
It’s oneness is it’s messsage taught
Yet, mankind draws and cuts it’s lines
Our work a delusion defines
We fools in hubris do believe
With righteousness ourselves deceive
Yet, to live one must always be
conceived in truth and liberty
So, now this fact we do defend
Pray us all for a peaceful end
A long time ago when “new world!” was still new
The pious came here to live their life’s view
Those days are gone as todays confront us now
Government is here! Liberties bow!
The desert in Texas austere refuge for those
invaded by bureaucrats and legalized Joe’s
Taking the right to be… they did supercede
morality– theirs, is what one must need
When religion and law get squeezed in one place
The foolishness of all is all we must face.
Oh, we will be told the government is right
when people face tanks it’s not much of a fight
And even if I don’t care to agree
The way for all is to live and let be
So eighty six people died in a fire
to tell us all that’s not what to desire
This story is old and says nothing new
Masada for some–is Waco for few.
In a quiet field sometime next spring
rising up sunflowers will grow
the sky now bright, as birds do sing
dead soldiers leave what they did sow
given those seeds for his pocket
a mother hoped he’d realize
his body would be the locket
They would grow from and fertilize
a sorrowful sad testament
of military might’s power
that needs to kill and won’t relent
bells toll to their final hour-
the clouds roll in bringing the rain
on Russian soldiers in Ukraine
Can Putin kill Ukraine again?
As Salin did awhile ago
Lives lost and History have a pen
to direct where thought should go
Tryants– Lies—with vicious power
used to hold the field of battle
“We the people” – Make them cower!
With our Love make them rattle
in their boots marching– off to war
fighting for their oligarchy
it’s not what people now adore
most choose Life and Liberty
the old horrors that we all know
is not where people want to go
First Iraq now Tunisia
now spreading into Egypt
is history again to have amnesia
or is the balance to be tipped
behold the rise of democracy
that dotes upon the internet
video screens won’t make you free
will what they make be a better bet?
be careful what you did wish for
truth you alone must make it so
shut the window– open the door
when free just where will you now go?
look all you people on the street
democracy’s more than meet and greet
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Vincent the Poet